Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sammy in A&P

I have picked the story A&P because I feel like there are many comparisons between the main character and the setting. The main character in this story is a young adult named Sammy. The Setting takes place at a grocery store, A&P. Sammy is a cashier at the grocery store. While reading this story I noticed that Sammy wasn't exactly what I would call your average teen. The way that he talked about and described the girls led me to believe that he was very observant and noticed very little details. I can imagine that the grocery store was very well kept up. Every little detail in the store was immaculatly clean. Even if I wouldn't have known when this story takes place I probably could have guessed that it took place somewhere between the 1950-1960. I could have guessed that by the way the author describes the grocery store. He describes the flooring as chekerboard green-and-cream rubber-tile floor. Also by the way Sammy talks about the girls, the names he gives the girls, and the phrases and words he uses. A difference between the two is the age of the story and the age of boy. The store seems to be a very old town store. Sammy is in his late teens. I have never imagined ever reading a story and being able to pick out comparisons from the characters and setting. After doing this assignment I realized how many stories use character and setting as two major elements of literary fiction. It really brings the story together.

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