Sunday, February 4, 2007

Hills like White Elephants

After reading this somewhat confusing story, I have come to a conclusion that Ernest Hemingway used the mimetic theory of literary criticism. I say that because in the story he showed that true love can overpower almost anything. In everyday life I think you could say the same. This story was about a couple who were in love. In the mist of love the girl got pregnant. Throughout the whole story they, or should I say she was debating on wether she should have the baby or get an abortion. During the story the man was trying to comfort her and tell her that he would be there for her, even if she wanted to keep it. You come to realize that he really didnt want her to have the baby and tried to convince her to get an abortion. So after the reassuring that she would be fine and it's perfectly normal she goes ahead with it, and gets an abortion. She got the abortion because she thought that if she would have had the baby they would have been unhappy and he would not love her like he used to. I do believe that deep down she wanted the baby. I think she did it for him and their relationship. Another way the story represents the complexities of romantic relationships is when you are in a serious relationship, sometimes you do what you think is better for the other person and not what is best for your own well being. I would say that is exactly what happened in this story.

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